CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
A process model that offers suggestions or systematic models to development, purchase and service for a smooth progress of these processes. The suggestions need to be adapted to each individual organization. The degree of realization of every single suggestion is to be evaluated. With that, an organization gets a capability degree each for their process. Referring to it as a total evaluation of all surveyed processes in terms of a CMMI maturity level between 1 and 5, it provides information on the process understanding and process realization of an organization.
Confirmation review
This term from the field of functional safety refers to the formality check of a ISO 26262 work product against compliance to the norm's requirements.
According to ISO 26262, the confirmation review belongs to the group of confirmation measures (consisting of confirmation review, audit, assessment), which together with the verification measures (consisting of verification review, test, analysis) cover all types of measures regarding "proof" of the ISO 26262.
According to ISO 26262-2 for confirmation measures there is a level of independency that has to be demonstrated depending on the highest ASIL classification of the safety goals or safety requirements of the item. For ASIL D classifications it is normally required that confirmation measures are to be carried out by a different department or organisation as the ones creating the work product. The independence refers to the line organisation (management), resource and release responsibility.
In many cases companies are not able to ensure this independency or the independent organisational unit of the company may not be able to perform the confirmation measures out of technical reasons (qualification). In such cases we are able to fulfil these tasks as independent service providers and support you in the implementation of the safety lifecycle for your project. Our service includes for instance confirmation reviews for safety analyses (FMEA, FTA, FMEDA) or confirmation reviews as proof of completeness of the safety case.
Control Plan
Provided that a PCP according to ISO/TS 16949 has been prepared, a control plan in accordance with QS 9000 is completely fulfilled in terms of extent and content. It is also permitted to equate them in the layout, since both norms don’t make any specifications. Individual format specifications to be met upon customer's request.
CTQ (Critical to Quality)
A term which was given distinction by the Six Sigma methodology and just can be defined in that context. This is based on statistic knowledge and aims at a process improvement for failure minimization in a company right through to a required target value of 0 variations (or following the model a calculative 3.4 failures per 1 million possibilities.)
Within this methodology CTQ define themselves as a category of possibilities to influence the process with impact on the quality criteria even reaching to the level of customer-relevant quality feature.
For that purpose all available (negative) influencing parameters are categorized as complying to the CTQ criterion or as those that don’t have to be considered in the process any further.
With this and further preconditions, the methodology runs through several process steps (define, measure, analyze, improve and control) targeting to improve products and processes in all areas of the organisation.